Bleeding after sex

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Bleeding after sex

Unread post by car54where »

The first time I had intercourse I was 14. I have had a fair amount of sex since then and the majority of the time after I bleed after and am sore. Why is this happening and is it normal?
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Re: Bleeding after sex

Unread post by Carmen »

Hi car54where, welcome to Scarleteen!
While bleeding can certainly be a result of sex, it is not something you should expect.
Everyone's bodies do respond to sex (and different kinds of sex) differently and we do not have the ability to medically diagnose anything, but I am super glad you reached out to us :)
About how long has this been happening? And have you ever reached out to a doctor or health provider of any kind about it?
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Re: Bleeding after sex

Unread post by car54where »

Periodically since 2011 (if I haven't had sex in a long time). And no and no I have not. Should I ?
Sam W
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Re: Bleeding after sex

Unread post by Sam W »

Two of the more common reasons why someone may experience bleeding from sex is not being super aroused or being tense, or not using enough lube. Do either of those sound like they might apply to you? We've also got some more detailed info about painful sex and it's causes here: From OW! to WOW! Demystifying Painful Intercourse
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Re: Bleeding after sex

Unread post by Heather »

Are you also current with your STI testing? Chlamydia, one of the most common infections, can cause bleeding after sex. So, if you're not current with that healthcare, you'll want to hop on that straightaway.
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