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Is this normal or not?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:28 pm
by hv28
Okay, here's another question, it seems like nobody can give me an answer on this, and I really would like to know. Every time my boyfriend fingers me it seems like I bleed, and when I say bleed it gets all over the sheets, his hand, and in my shorts. I have never done this before until these past 2 months. I know it's not because he's cutting me, because it doesn't hurt at all. I also know how it feels to be cut. (and it hurts a lot) It actually feels fine. I won't even know I have bled until he says something or I see the blood. What could be the cause of this? Should I be concerned? I just would really like to get down to the bottom of this mystery.

Re: Is this normal or not?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:48 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, hv28. Welcome to Scarleteen. :)

Bleeding can be caused for many reasons. Some of them (not all) could be: being too rough, having long fingernails, or that it wasn't enough lubrication. Sometimes not being aroused or relaxed enough may cause tension and that could cause soreness. Wearing gloves and using lube may help.

Also, are you up to date with your sexual healthcare? If not, it would be sound to check in with your healthcare provider in person just to rule out any kind of infection.