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Wanted to try pull out

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:17 am
by cannavaro
I have been with my gf for 3 years and I always play safe. We have no problem having sex with condom on. There is only 1 time we had sex without condom because we calculated that day is her period date. But we don't really enjoy the moment, her vagina is small and tight to go in. After trying for almost half an hour, I managed to penetrate in half, sadly I last about 2 minutes only because it is quite dry.

We are 26 and plan to get married in another 2 years. We are going holiday this month 22nd to 26th Nov, we really want to try to have sex happily without condom. her last 4 months period: Nov 4th, Oct 6th, Sep 8th and Aug 8th. Please advice can I try to use withdrawal method during our trip?

Re: Wanted to try pull out

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:22 am
by Sam W
Hi Cannavaro,

So, to start out with, unprotected sex will always pose some risk of pregnancy, no matter what day in her cycle you do it on. While withdrawl is better than not using any method, it is not as effective as a condom or other method of birth control (like the pill).

Too, if you're finding that penetration is uncomfortable for her, there are two possible things going on: one is that she is not very aroused or relaxed, which means more foreplay is needed (or that sex might need to not happen right then, if she's feeling anxious). The other is that you need more lube. In fact, more lube is a great way to make sex more comfortable in general.

Re: Wanted to try pull out

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:49 am
by cannavaro
Thanks for the advice Sam W. I will perhaps try for a while if I can penetrate in but would not do until reaching ejaculation as I afraid some precum might leaked and that could be her not safe period too when I use safe period calculation.

Yes, I bought a lube recently, hope it helps. Does lube help to kill sperm too

Re: Wanted to try pull out

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:59 am
by Sam W
Hi Cannavaro,

You're welcome! It can also help to remember that unprotected sex, even without ejaculation, is going to pose more of a risk than protected sex will. Have you spoken to your girlfriend about what she is comfortable with?

Re: Wanted to try pull out

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:20 am
by Heather
Lubricants are NOT spermicides. And if you want reliable protection from pregnancy, you will want to use at least one very effective method of contraception. Withdrawal and spermicide are the two LEAST effective methods.