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Help, please!!

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:14 am
by ThisIsMe
Hi, okay so basically I'm on the pill. I'm pretty religious with it, in regards to time and I haven't missed one and they're always taken within 12 hours of the same time everyday!
My problem is that while having sex with my boyfriend, the condom broke and he 'finished' in me without us realising. It only happened last night so I can still get EC if needs be, but does this pose much of a risk? I read up on the "buddy system" article up here, but I wasn't sure if the condom breaking was included in "typical use" so I thought I'd post here, thanks :)

Re: Help, please!!

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:58 am
by Redskies
If you've been taking your pill as directed - which it sounds like you have - EC won't add anything to the protection you already have. When you're using hormonal contraception, there's no need to take EC unless you've made a mistake with your regular hormonal contraception or had it compromised in some way.

The beauty of the "buddy sytem" of contraception is that if you have an oops with one method, like you did here with the condom, you're still covered by your other method :)

With a condom breakage, the other thing to think about is possible STI risk. It's always a good idea anyway to get regular routine STI testing and sexual health check-ups once you're sexually active, but that's especially important if you have a barrier break (or, didn't use one). Are you up-to-date with your sexual healthcare?

Usually when a condom breaks, it's because of some user error. Would you like any information or help trouble-shooting correct condom usage to make breaks less likely in future?