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Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:34 am
by wildprincess

Recently in the past 4-5 days I've been getting brown/dark brown/black-ish spotting. I am mid-cycle. I usually have a 33 day cycle and today is the 19th. I usually have brown spotting during my ovulation phases and it is quite normal.

However this time its different as there is not as much egg white cervical mucus and it is more of a stringy consistency. Yesterday I got a spot of bright red blood and thought nothing of it. I thought that it was the height of my fertility and that it was basically just ovulation. Today whilst showering I got another big blob of bright red blood. It was quite in abundance and I'm not so sure what it is.

I'm a little scared that something is wrong.

Furthermore if it is of any relation, I had messed around on Wednesday and a week ago. I engaged in oral/manual sex but our genital areas were never touching each other.

What could this be? Implantation bleeding? Breakthrough bleeding? The start of my period?

Re: Periods?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:37 am
by wildprincess
Also the brown spotting is tacky in consistency. Thanks for your help!

Re: Periods?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:55 am
by Heather
I'd personally advise checking in with a healthcare provider about mid-cycle spotting like that, just to rule out an infection and, if it is an infection, to get treated.