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Hiya! I just have a few questions :D

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:50 am
by jackofalltrades
Hey there everyone. This doesn't really have anything to do with sex...I just worry obsessively and need to ask a few questions before I ask the questions I joined this website to ask. :D

Can I ask about anything sex related?
How graphic (the boring kind of graphic, not the pornographic kind) can questions be? Like, is it OK to discuss intimate details about one's sex/masturbation habits if it relates to their question?
Is it better to describe things euphemistically or clinically? ('self-loving' vs 'masturbating')
How do you feel about people re-asking questions that have already been asked (for example, if the question is the same but the context is different?)

That is all :) Sorry for the weird questions...they might seem obvious but it would give me some peace of mind to have them answered before I divulge the secrets of my sad and lonely sex life to a bunch of strangers online!! :) And, sorry if I completely missed the place where all this information is already posted...I like to think I'm a thorough investigator but past experience proves me wrong quite often... :P

Anyway, thanks for reading! It's lovely to meet you all :D

Re: Hiya! I just have a few questions :D

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:56 pm
by Redskies

You can ask about anything sex-, sexuality- and/or relationship - related. For the fullest picture of our community rules, check out ... acy_policy

Whatever amount of detail is needed to communicate what you're wanting to say is absolutely fine.

You can use whatever words and expressions you're most comfortable with that also clearly communicate what you want to say. We definitely don't think that clinical terms are less polite or less "proper", nor that earthier terms or euphemisms are - well, too earthy :) . Sex and sexuality are particularly rich topics for creative euphemisms, and while that's interesting (often fascinating and amusing!) linguistically, sometimes it can be a barrier to understanding. Staff and volunteers here will mostly use fairly clinical terms as the ones that are most likely to be accurately understood, and also as what's most appropriate for us as educators and to try to avoid automated systems mistaking the site for pornography.

We appreciate it when people search the main site and boards for information before asking a question. For something very factual - like something that's about biology where the answer's always going to be the same - there probably isn't a need to ask the same question again. For things that are more personal, like identities or relationships or self-image or a personal difficulty - asking a similar question is absolutely fine, because every person and every relationship is different.