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Birth control question

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:33 pm
by smile1234
Hello Scarletteen staff!

I stopped taking my birth control 5 weeks ago and I haven't gotten my period yet. Right after I stopped the pill I got my withdrawal bleeding (enough for super tampons some days). I'm just wondering if it's normal that I haven't gotten my period yet. Before the pill my periods were on a 35 day cycle but I'm a little worried about pregnancy despite the withdrawal bleed.

Thank you!

Re: Birth control question

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:49 am
by Heather
It's common for it to take a few cycles after stopping a method of hormonal contraception for your own cycles to get back into any kind of sync.

You also seem to be reporting that this timing has been normal for you in the past, anyway, and you are also reporting that you have had a period after stopping the pill five weeks (35 days) ago.

If you are concerned about being pregnant, then what you need to do to answer that is to take a pregnancy test.