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Is it necessary to shave?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:45 pm
by JCf316
Okay this may be gross, but I absolutely hate shaving, especially during the winter.(I mean, really, no one is going to see the hair but me!) Because of this, I avoid doing it at all costs. Is it unsanitary to just not shave for a while? I mean, I know leg hair should be fine, but what about the more private areas? Would the hair affect anything like bacterial growth etc.?
Thank you!

Re: Is it necessary to shave?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:00 pm
by Eddie C
This is one thing that is going to be only and solely about you and what you need/want but, a lot of people do not shave at all and they live happy lives. :)

Here's one article that talks about this, though is more about people wanting to shave, you can learn about the facts of shaving or not. ... the_answer

Hope this helps! :)