Pain when urinating, but it's not a UTI?

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Pain when urinating, but it's not a UTI?

Unread post by Ann »

I feel a burning pain when I urinate, but I've been tested for UTIs and it came back negative. I'm not sure that I fit the symptoms for UTIs or yeast infections, so I'm confused...
-the pain isn't just urethral - it's worst at the opening of my vagina, but it's not deep inside. It fades after about 10 minutes
-I don't have unusual discharge, a frequent need to urinate, etc
-it doesn't happen every day, but it happens if I've masturbated (not penetrative) earlier in the day, and it's more likely at the start and end of my period
-I've had it since I was in my early teens, and I'm in my early 20s now
-I wondered if it could be an STI, but I had it for years before the only time I had unprotected sex (and I got a panel done and everything came back negative)

Any idea what could be wrong? UTI? Yeast? Endometriosis?
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Re: Pain when urinating, but it's not a UTI?

Unread post by Redskies »

Hi Ann, welcome to the boards!

Can you fill us in on what medical investigation you've had for this pain? You said you tested negative for STIs and for UTI: have you had any other discussions with a healthcare provider, especially a gynaecologist, about this pain, and if so, what did they say/do?
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Re: Pain when urinating, but it's not a UTI?

Unread post by Ann »

Hi Redskies, thanks for getting back to me!

I've never been to a gynaecologist, but I've talked to a few GPs, and they basically just shrug because it's not a continual thing :P
Sam W
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Re: Pain when urinating, but it's not a UTI?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Ann,

That's quite annoying that the GPs behave that way. Since you have not seen one, it sounds like it might be time to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. Do you have a sense of where to go to find one (e.g. going to a clinic vs having one who is on your insurance plan)?
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