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Tell me about grapefruit juice and BCPs, please!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:07 pm
by Girltuesday2015
I've read that grapefruit juice and BCPs can interact. Can you tell me how? Is it something I need to worry about in the real world? I mix grapefruit in my drinks and probably drink it once a month.

Thanks! :)

Re: Tell me about grapefruit juice and BCPs, please!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:07 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there!

We have a great article that talks exactly anĀ”bout this topic! Take a look at this: ... th_control :)

Re: Tell me about grapefruit juice and BCPs, please!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:23 pm
by Girltuesday2015
Cool! This was really helpful, thank you.

I was concerned because I had a few random days of breakthrough bleeding this month. No new medications, no missed or late pills. (I DID take Plan B a few days before I started my new pack, though). I used backup for the first 7 days of the pack, too. I've been on the pill 10 years. Any ideas?

Re: Tell me about grapefruit juice and BCPs, please!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:09 pm
by Eddie C
Can't tell you exactly why this is happening but is not that uncommon to have spotting or unexpected bleeding after taking EC. If this is something that worries you a lot and in case you are not up to date with your sexual healthcare you can always check in with your health care provider in person just to make sure is not about any kind of infection. :)