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plan b

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:29 am
by lalalaika
Hello, I had my period monday last week and had unprotected sex on wesnesday. I took the morning after pill and I had my normal period still the next day but with fewer fluid.
Even yesterday I had a small stain in my underwear and had unprotected sex again.
is it safe to take the pill twice in a week and a cycle? I'm supposed to be in my safe days, right?
I dont know if its important to mention, last week (my first unprotected sex was in mexico so i had a mexican brand pill and today I'm in Berlin).

Re: plan b

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:46 am
by Sam W
Hi lalalaika,

It is safe to take plan B more than once in a fairly short period of time. However, what concerns me is that it appears to be your main method of birth control here, which is not great (especially since it can get expensive quickly). And, having unprotected sex is stressing you out enough that you're seeking out plan B. So, I have to ask, is there a reason you're continuing to choose unprotected sex, rather than using another method of birth control besides plan B?

Re: plan b

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:48 pm
by lalalaika
Hello Sam thank you for replying!
no, I actually ALWAYS always always use condoms. this is the first (& second) time that happens. And also last, because its not ok to have unprotected sex. First time was because I had sex with my best friend and I actually stupidly thought it was ok to not use protection (of course it isnt). last night was not on our plans to have sex and we just took the risk (I know its really unresponsible) but as soon as I got the pill I got a box of condoms so this will never ever happen again. its really scary and not nice feeling not to be sure and safe.
thank you so much sam

Re: plan b

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:09 pm
by Ashleah
Hey Lallaika,

Glad to hear that you are paying attention to those feelings and know that protection is something you need to feel comfortable with sex. You are right, feeling unsafe is no fun at all. Please let us know if want help setting boundaries around condom us and/or working out a plan so that you can keep using them for sex if it ever comes up again.

Re: plan b

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:41 pm
by lalalaika
thank you! :)))