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Does he want me back?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:15 pm
by tsulton95
I was dating a guy I've known for about 10 years. Everything was going well, he was happy and I was happy. I thought things were going great. He took me to meet his family and he told me his life has been so much better since we got back in touch and since we got together. About a week ago, he started to act differently. Then out of nowhere, he decided to break up with me and told me he wasn't interested anymore. But what I don't understand, he wants to stay friends, he texts me everyday and he says he still loves me and cares about me and that I'm an important part of his life. But every time I bring up that we should get back together, he says its best we don't. I don't know if he wants to be with me or not. I know he has other commitments because he's in a band right now and they're really moving forward. But if he loves me and I'm such an important part of his life, why doesn't he want to get back together? Does he want to be with me or not? And does there seem like there's a chance we'd get back together? I'm really at a stand still. I don't want to just throw in the towel and give up if there's still a possibility that things could look up. If anyone could give me some advice, it would be much apperciated. :|

Re: Does he want me back?

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:17 am
by Sam W
Hi tsulton,

I'm sorry about the break-up, those are never fun. I would take your ex at his word that he does not want to be with you romantically anymore, since every time you ask about that he reiterates that you should stay broken up. It may be that he does really value and love you as a friend, or he doesn't want to hurt you by cutting ties completely, or he's stringing you along for some reason, or he likes having someone to give him attention. It's not something we here can know.

Something you can do now is figure out what you want to do next. If it's too painful for you to see him regularly, then you can decide on giving your current relationship some space and not seeing/talking to him for awhile while you heal. I think this article would help now as well: Getting Through a Breakup Without Actually Breaking