Started period then stopped?

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Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

Hi, I know I asked a question regarding my late periods just a few days ago. I got an app and calculated that my length of period is now 33 day - that's means it could be due now/ the next few days. I was masterbating and then I realised that I started bleeding bright red blood - it was quite heavy so I put a tampon in. Around 3-4 hours later I took it out and it was dark brown and had clots in it. Then my period stopped ? Why is this? I've done no sexual activities that could make a pregnancy. My boyfriend fingered me when I was wearing clothes and then we stopped and I gave him a hand job (I was wearing pants and skirt) and afterwards we immediately washed hands and stopped all actives. However this happened just after halfway in my cycle. I'm very very worried about this situation. And I would appreciate the help.
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, Daisy.

Bodies are not machines so they won't always work the same way. There's a lot of reasons why a period can vary and you can find some of theme in the next link: ... _my_period

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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

Thank you for the reply, I read the article and... could I maybe have low estrone? What does that mean? I'm not going to class that as my period as it only lasted a few hours! Could my bleeding be "implantation bleeding". Thanks :roll:
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

How can I stop worrying about these things? Last month with my late period I had convinced myself that I was pregnant even though it probably wasn't possible. It was all that I could think about and even when I heard information that proved I couldn't be pregnant I was like what if?
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Daisy,

When you're having a hard time shaking those kinds of thoughts, there may be a few things that are going on. One is that you're not comfortable with whatever level of sexual activity you're engaging in, and need to adjust it to a level where you do feel comfortable. Something else to consider is, if you are not currently seeing one, visiting a counselor to talk about how anxious you've been feeling. That gives you a safe space to work through what might be behind these worries.
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

Yeah I think I'm going to stop / slow down on the sexual activities. Do you know why I was bleeding though? I read the article and could only think of low estrone but I don't even know what that is/ what it means. Is there any possibility in my situation that it was implantation bleeding or could it just be from maybe scratching myself while masterbating? Thanks for all the advice help you guys give me- I appreciate it so much!
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Sam W »

Sounds like a plan! If you need it, this article is really helpful with that process: Whoa, There! How to Slow Down When You're Moving Too Fast

As for the bleeding, that's really not something we can know. It could be spotting, or a weird lead up to your period, or something else.
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

Do you think I'm 100% not pregnant? If I know I can relax and forget about it
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

Can you imagine yourself having early pregnancy symtoms when there is no possibility of a pregnancy? P.S. I looked more closely at the article on periods and realised I low estrone is for people on the pill - which I'm not
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Karyn »

If you need a refresher on what activities pose a risk of pregnancy, you can find that here: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?

Per the bleeding, we can't know the reason behind it. As Heather mentioned in your other thread though, it sounds like your cycle might be going through a bit of a shift, so it could be related to that. If you're worried, the best thing you can do is check in with a healthcare provider.
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Re: Started period then stopped?

Unread post by Daisy248 »

Thank you very much for all the help. My period has started so I feel very happy and relieved!
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