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Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:09 am
by indigo16

I take the combined oral contraceptive pill called Microgynon 30. I realised that I may have missed a pill on 25th December, but I did not make up this missed pill. I have taken my pill for today (26th December) as usual.

I haven't had sex since 2 weeks ago and I won't be having sex again until around 10 days from now.

My thoughts on it were that I could just carry on taking pills as usual because they should be effective after 7 days of proper use anyway, and I won't be having sex until around 10 days from now.

What is your opinion on this?

Thank you

Re: Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:11 am
by indigo16
Sorry - forgot to add:

My thoughts on it were that I could just carry on taking pills as usual because they should be effective after 7 days of proper use anyway, and I won't be having sex until around 10 days from now. What is your opinion on this?

Re: Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:40 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, Indigo.

The best thing to do after missing a pill would be to follow the instructions of the brochure that comes with your pills. In case you don't have that, you can always go to their website.

Usually after a missing pill, you have to take the missing pill AND your current day pill. That means taking two pills. In case this is what your brochure tells you, is taking the missed pill today something you can do?

Yes, you would be protected again after 7 days of proper use, again. :)

Re: Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:34 pm
by indigo16
Thank you for the help.

Basically I did take a pill on 25th December, but I'm not sure if it would count as missed or not.

The last time I had sex was 2 weeks before the 25th December (the day I potentially missed a pill) - so if I do not take an extra pill to make up this potentially missed one, would I be at any risk of pregnancy here? I would have thought no risk, as sperm can only last up to 7 days. Please correct me if I am wrong though :)

The reason I was worried it was a missed pill was because I had a bad throat and took about 10 seconds to swallow it, so some of the pill seemed to have dissolved on my tongue. I did try to wash it down by drinking water afterwards but brushed my teeth straight after too, so may have spat some out? I understand it sounds really silly, but my friends don't trust the pill with these sorts of things so it can make me a bit apprehensive. I don't know if that makes any difference to your opinion? As I'd rather not take extra hormones without need.

Thank you!

Re: Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:56 pm
by Eddie C
With the combination pill, you have 24 hours before it counts as a missed pill. That said, sounds like you did take your pill. :)

Here is more info about the pill that might be useful: ... ation_pill

Re: Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:08 pm
by smoore188
Edith_* wrote:Hello there, Indigo.

The best thing to do after missing a pill would be to follow the instructions of the brochure that comes with your pills. In case you don't have that, you can always go to their website.

Usually after a missing pill, you have to take the missing pill AND your current day pill. That means taking two pills. In case this is what your brochure tells you, is taking the missed pill today something you can do?

Yes, you would be protected again after 7 days of proper use, again. :)

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this here but I was told on my post about missing a birth control pill that I should use a back up for the rest of my pill pack after missing a pill.. At the end of this when you say you're protected again after 7 days of use, is that for completely missing the pill (not made up) or for making the pill up? Just trying to be sure I'm understand correctly and I'm sorry if I wasn't suppose to post this here

Re: Missed pill - not made up for

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:49 pm
by Eddie C
Yes, smoore. The difference is a missed pilled vs. a missed pill but made up. :)