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Pregnancy question

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:03 pm
by ZannahGirl1
Hi, Scarleteen,

I just had a quick question regarding pregnancy. The last time I had sex was in September of this year, and a condom was used correctly. I have since taken numerous pregnancy tests, all of them negative. However, over the course of my first semester in college, I have gained about twenty pounds. If I were pregnant, I would be about three months along right now, but I have had so many negative tests, some taken last week. I am also on the pill and as a result have not had a period since May. Do I need to be worried that I am over three months pregnant? Thanks for any insight you could give me.

Re: Pregnancy question

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:24 pm
by Mo
Hi there ZannahGirl1,

Negative test results - especially several of them - are a clear indicator you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests are extremely reliable. It is very common for students to experience some weight gain in their first semester or year of college, just from the significant change in living situation, schedule, types of food available, etc. so it's likely that this is what you're experiencing.
If you continue to worry about pregnancy despite all your negative tests, you may want to give this a read: You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You think You Are?