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Afraid of being sexually frustrated

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:34 am
by rosemarie9
So, i've been dating my boyfriend for the past couple months and we're ready to have sex for the first time, we're both virgins and will use protection. The thing is when I masturbate i keep going so I can come a lot of times, i'd say the average would be 3 a night. I've heard men usually just come once and need to wait for a second orgasm, and i'm afraid i maybe got used to coming a lot of times and when i start having sex i will be sexually frustrated? I don't know, has anyone been through something similar or has any thoughts on this?
Thanks :)

Re: Afraid of being sexually frustrated

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:43 am
by Heather
It sounds like you're assuming that your sex life with your partner is going to need to revolve around his erections: it's not. It also likely won't only revolve around penis in vagina intercourse if it's a sexual life both of you are going to find satisfying and interesting.

So, by all means, for any kind of sex that does require he have an erection, he will have refractory periods between erections, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on him as an individual, and just how things are at a given time. But even when he has another erection, he -- or you -- may or may not want to have more of the kinds of sex that involve his erection. And when he doesn't have one, it's not like everything needs to stop, just like it doesn't if and when your clitoral glans isn't erect. If you two want to keep being sexual together when he isn't erect, or one or both of you just aren't feeling intercourse as a thing you want to be doping, then you can engage in all of the other many ways of being sexual together. Really, most ways people can be sexual together don't require erection.

Sexual satisfaction also isn't usually primarily about orgasm for most people or most couples. The studies and anecdotes we have on this tend to reflect that bigger players in satisfaction are pleasure, regardless of how people's bodies respond to pleasure, creativity, communication and responsiveness, and affection.

When you say you're ready to have sex for the first time, what do you mean? Do you mean be sexual in any way together for the first time, or a specific kind of sex? If you don't mean the former, how is your sexual life together so far? Are you feeling satisfied and enjoying yourself in it presently?