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Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:32 am
by flywithme134
so my question is has to do with (based on the subject) discharge!
recently, i've been seeing that my underwear has been like damp from discharge which is a little odd for me. i usually do get a little more discharge in my underwear when my period is near, (mine should happen in about 1 week and half) but this time it's a little different.
the discharge almost seems mucus-y, and it's clear and white. even when i wipe after urinating (sorry for being so detailed) i'll notice that there's more discharge on the paper. is this normal? should i schedule an appointment with my doctor or is this common?

thanks so much!

Re: discharge?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:36 am
by Heather
Here's a piece that walks you through what is and isn't normal with discharges: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions.

If you're already current with your sexual and general healthcare (like STI testing if you've been sexually active, etc.) and you feel just fine, and nothing else seems to be different or amiss (like say, weird cramping, your discharges or genitals smelling very unusual to you, or feeling sick in a general way) it's unlikely anything is the matter here. But if you're not current with that healthcare, and you are concerned about this, then it might be a good time to get current, since you can also ask about this in your visit.

Re: discharge?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:43 am
by flywithme134
im not sexually active. or at least i've never had penis-in-vagina sex, im not ready for that yet so my boyfriend and i do manual sex and dry sex. at first i was worried it could be a sign of pregnancy, but your articles told me other wise.

thank you so much!

Re: discharge?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:45 am
by Heather
Nothing can be a sign of pregnancy for people who aren't pregnant and haven't been part of any of the kinds of contact that even make that possible. :)

That's a bit like thinking that, say, having a headache is a sign of serious altitude sickness when you're nowhere near a mountain, let alone up on top of one. :P