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Vomiting during first week of pill pack

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:00 pm
by Doritosmylife
Hi guys, I started a new pack on 01/01. I've been taking microgynon 30 for 3 months now.

Any who, on the following Monday morning the 4th. I felt really ill at around 5am and threw up once at 6am. I didn't throw up again afterward. I felt fine after that.

I take my pill every night at 8.30pm so it was at least 9 hours from taking the pill to vomiting. I read my instructions and it only speaks of what happens within 4 hours of taking the pill, not any longer than 4 hours.

Am I still protected?

Re: Vomiting during first week of pill pack

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:20 pm
by Redskies
It doesn't talk about vomiting outside of 4 hours after taking your pill because there's no impact, no concern, and nothing you need to do:)

Your pill will be absorbed within 2-3 hours of taking it (leaflets often give instructions using 4 hours to be on the safe side, and you should go with what your own instructions say), so beyond that time, vomiting can't affect it because it's already been absorbed.