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Implanon vs Depo Shot

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:26 pm
by evaldezdiaz
Hey scarletteen!

I was wondering if there are any strong differences between the progestin in the birth control implant and the depo shot. My parter is currently on the shot but was thinking of leaving due to her almost reaching 2 years but more importantly because of the bone density issue, noticeable hairloss, and weightgain. Recently--thanks to your site--we found that the implant also uses progestin but theres no bone density loss. Should she expect the same side effects (weight gain and hairloss) she experienced with depo if she tries the implanon?

Also, Nice new layout!

-Thank you

Re: Implanon vs Depo Shot

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:31 pm
by Karyn
Side effects do vary from person to person with any method, and it's difficult to predict what kind of side effects your partner may have on the implant. In general though, the implant is not known for causing bone density issues or hair loss, or significant weight gain: both use synthetic progestins, but they are different ones. Switching methods is something she needs to discuss with a healthcare provider, but she read up on the basics of both methods here:
Depo-Provera (The Shot)
the Contraceptive Implant (Implanon)

Re: Implanon vs Depo Shot

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:28 am
by evaldezdiaz
Sorry for the late reply but thank you so much!

Re: Implanon vs Depo Shot

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:26 am
by Heather
As an addition, changes are that she will have fewer side effects with the implant, since it is a time-release stretched out over far longer than with Depo.

However, I'd be sure she talk to her healthcare provider (as Karyn did), and be sure to tell them all of the side effects she has been having. They may well suggest she not use any other progestin-only method for a bit, or at all, or they may feel like if she really wants that kind of method, the implant might work better for her. But her healthcare provider is the best person to bring all of this to, where she can also ask about all her options, and ask that provider to suggest the methods they think would work best for her.