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My Libia is darkening unusually

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:32 am
by Therophite
So my boyfriend & I have currently been having a lot of unprotected sex. Yes I know it's bad for a 16 year old to be having lots of unprotected sex especially since it's unprotected and don't know what type of things can transmitted while doing so. My boyfriend wanted to give me oral sex and he noticed that my Libia was darkening.and says he sees it spreading. I freaked out because I get fertile discharges and it's really weird because my discharge change every day. Sometimes is sticky, creamy, or even watery... He took a picture and showed me the inside of my vagina which looks like my flesh is whitish. its something I've never see before. I'm pretty embarrassed to show my family Doctor since he's been knowing me since I was an infant. I noticed a odor before, but I know getting an odor is ordinary and so is being fertile.. I'm going to get checked out by my doctor I'm just wondering if any of you girls have had this before or if this is totally normal.

Re: My Libia is darkening unusually

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:11 am
by Heather
No one is going to be able to even get a real sense of what you're describing here, and no one could tell you if you have a health issue afoot right now or not: a healthcare provider is the only person who can do that. If you don't feel comfortable with the doctor you usually see for things like this -- and STI testing, which it sounds like it's also time to start for you, especially since you haven't been using safer sex, so STIs are always going to be a possible risk -- would you like help finding a sexual healthcare provider for yourself? I'd be happy to help you do that. There are some great teen sexual health clinics and providers in Cali.

You also say you don't know about STIs and what can be transmitted, and it sounds like you -- and your partner? -- may also not have education and information about how to practice safer sex to reduce the risk of STIs and other infections. Would you like some of that information?