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Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:16 pm
by missbyers492
For around a week now, i have been trying to masturbate through fingering myself (I am a girl). There are times in which the feeling starts building up, but it soon starts disappearing even if i keep doing what i was doing to feel that feeling in the first place. COuld you please give me advice as to what i could do to change this and what i did wrong? Also, are you able to give me some ideas in masturbating. Thanks.

Re: Masturbation?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:10 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, missbyers. Welcome to Scarleteen. :)

Masturbation is one of those things that is going to be different for everybody. It could even be different for the same person in different times. The good news is that, you just have to keep exploring so you can learn what works better for you and what doesn't... the choices are endless. :)

Too, masturbation is going to be different depending on how excited are you when you do it, you know? For someone who is already excited masturbation can feel awesome while for someone who is just trying without really being into it it might feel kinda boo-hoo.

One awesome thing about masturbation is that, because is only about you, so you don't have to worry about anything else.

Going to leave the next link with more info about this topic: ... masturbate

Re: Masturbation?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:26 am
by Redskies
Also, it looks like you already have an account with us - we ask that people have just one account each so we can do our jobs best. Can you continue with the old one, please, and we'll shut this one off? (If you need the password, you can get a new one sent to the email address you signed up for that account with. We can send you the account name if you need it, but we don't have access to passwords.) Thanks!

Re: Masturbation?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:23 pm
by MagiCurious
:oops: Hey missbyers
I used to have your problem.
I didn't really know what masturbation was when I was introduced to it via fanfiction.
For two years I did feel a bit good, and thought that maybe something was wrong with me, not what I was doing.
Then I came across this other fanfiction, which actually had a character with the same problem. (Good old Hermione to the rescue!)
The character's love interest actually 'walked' her through it, and through the helpful graphic-ness, I 'got it'.
I don't want to be a creeper.
Try to relax and don't really expect anything. If you have (safe) fun, then your goal is accomplished, whether anything else happens or not!
Take your time and have fun- that's what masturbation is all about.
Now, I'm just going to fade into the background because if I could blush, I'd look like a tomato.

Re: Masturbation?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:58 pm
by Dannyboy
That's perfectly normal. It happens with everyone unfortunately. Even guys will masturbate and then feel like they're getting close only to not, and then feel liek they can't go anymore. It sucks when it happens, but it does happen. The best advice I can give for you? Relax a little bit, and realize you're not doing it wrong (after all, if you feel good, how are you doing it wrong?). By relaxing and not worrying about it the problem should go away.