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bleeding while being fingered????

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:10 pm
by 64zoolane
idk if this is tmi or whatever

but today my boyfriend was fingering me and he's done it before but this time he used 3 fingers and i guess you could say he was going a lot harder and more rough than usual, it didn't hurt in a painful way and i enjoyed it n stuff but then after i saw he had some blood on his fingers and im not on my period so i was really confused? is that normal and is it like my hymen tearing or smth or is it something i should get checked????

Re: bleeding while being fingered????

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:34 pm
by Redskies
Not tmi at all, we're here to have these kinds of conversations :)

The tissues inside the vagina and around the vulva are quite delicate and can get small injuries from rough treatment. If you're not in any pain and you're not bleeding any more, it doesn't sound like you need to see a healthcare provider - you'll just want to treat your genitals gently for a few days to let it heal, just like you would with any scratch or nick anywhere else on your body.

The hymen - or, its newer name, the corona - doesn't tear, unless someone is subjected to serious physical violence. It's a ring of tissue just inside the vagina, and it gradually wears away over time naturally for most people during everyday life. If you're having entry, with fingers or anything else, your corona will already have worn away enough to allow that, so it's very unlikely that any bleeding would have anything to do with your corona. The whole "hymens break during sex" thing is a myth and a society-wide misunderstanding that goes back centuries!

In the future, you and your boyfriend will want to make sure that his nails are trimmed short and tidily with no sharp or rough edges, because nail edges are a common culprit for causing small nicks, tears or scratches to the genitals. Using some extra lubricant is also a really good idea, to keep everything super-slippery and reduce friction, making it less likely you'll have any pain or small injury. You might both also want to be just a wee bit gentler than you were :)

Anything else we can help you with or that you'd like to know today?