Condom question

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Condom question

Unread post by cdp2842 »

My boyfriend and I use Trojan ENZ lubricated condoms in addition to the birth control pill every single time we have sex. Tonight, we had sex, and I freaked out because there was a powdery, somewhat-liquidy white substance (did not look like ejaculate) left on the bed where we had been lying. I filled the condom with water twice and blew air into it twice, and did not see any holes or anything each time I checked it. We checked the condom box and saw that the condoms did not expire until 2018. The condom wrapper also didn't have any holes or anything in it. But the substance I saw on the bed has me worried that the condom somehow broke even though it seemed airtight when I tested it after we had sex. Also, the reservoir tip looked flat after we finished having sex. My boyfriend put the condom on correctly when we started, but I'm terrified that I'll get pregnant because of this even though I'm on birth control. He said he had very little ejaculate, if any, but I'm still worried. I'm sorry if this makes no sense, I'm just really scared and don't know what to do because we can't afford Plan B and we don't have a planned parenthood nearby.
Sam W
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Re: Condom question

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi cdp2842,

When condoms break, they will be break in a way that is really, really noticeable. So as long as the one you were using did not do that, you can assume it did its' job.

It sounds like engaging in this level of sex is causing you stress, and that it might be time to adjust the boundaries around what kinds of sex you're having. Would you like some information on how to do that?
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