Implantation bleeding?

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Implantation bleeding?

Unread post by gkc24 »

Hi there recently my girlfriend has been really stressed due to exams and she just got her period 2 days ago. Thing is she told me its lighter than usual. I got worried that it might be implantation bleeding. The last time we had sex was at least 3 weeks ago and if weve always used condoms properly and I dont think I saw any failures. I want to know if this is a cause for concern at all because looking online, I saw that implantation bleeding happens about 6-12 days after unprotected sex so since we last had sex at least 21 days ago it should be nuts to worry about it and just believe its just a period right? :? Thanks.
Sam W
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Re: Implantation bleeding?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi gkc24,

It's not unusual for periods to vary in how light or heavy they are. Plus, you two are using condoms, so your odds of pregnancy were already extremely low.

It sounds like you might not be comfortable with the level of sex you're engaging in. If you'd like, we can give you some resources on how to adjust to a level where you do feel comfortable with any risks involved.
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