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Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:21 pm
by vennisa65
Hi there.
So I started birth control pills on the first day of my period, and then used it as my only protection (along with withdrawal). When my period was supposed to arrive I got brown spotting, barely a days worth. I'm on Junel 1/20 and Its a 20 mg estrogen pill, so it's "ultra low dose". According to my OBGYN, skipping and missing periods on this pill is normal and expected, and most women don't have a period while on it. I don't have any pregnancy symptoms either. But I've been taking HPTS and they're all negative. Then, I check 10 hours later and I can see a faint line, (on some of the tests). Why is this? I took a First Response early Result this morning and it was dead negative. Then, I got home and I checked and I saw a faint faint faint line that was grayish/not really pink. What is that? Am I pregnant? Why is it showing up after many hours?

Re: Confused...

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:22 am
by Sam W
Hi Vennisa,

For pregnancy tests, you're only supposed to go off of the immediate result. Checking it 10 hours later will not give you an accurate reading.

I think this piece would be a good read for you right now. You can take a look and see if anything strikes a chord with you: You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You think You Are?