Implantation Bleeding? Pregnancy Risk?

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Implantation Bleeding? Pregnancy Risk?

Unread post by Kipapa134 »

I'm freaking out!!! today my girlfriend said she found some very very small light light pink present on her purple panty. It faded off. She said that this was not her first time. Her first time was 1/2 months ago and she got her period. But, my question is, could this be an implantation bleeding or just another sign of period coming? She did not experienced any lower abdominal cramps, nausea, vomitting, tender breasts or anything. We did manual sex 22 days ago. I ejaculated on my hand, and wiped it on my pants, and accidentally touched the damp spot with my finger, i was not sure if i had wiped them off of my fingers, to be safe lets just say i didn't btw it was my second ejaculation after 6 minutes of the first ejaculation. So the semen was in a small of amount. I then fingered her after 2-3 minutes after that. Could it there have been a pregnancy risk? Was it implantation bleeding?
Sam W
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Re: Implantation Bleeding? Pregnancy Risk?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Kipapa,

Please see my response to your other post. I am going to lock this one, as it is a duplicate.
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