Missed two mini pills in one packet

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Missed two mini pills in one packet

Unread post by Nifty.Anon »

I have been juggling lots of different meds for depression and anxiety and have always been on time always with my progesterone only pills but in one packet I took two pills late (past the 3 hour mark) and it was towards my end of the pack both times , around 2 weeks apart each. It said to wait 2 days before being active without a second protection so I did that but I'm reading online that some people say it takes 7 days not two days. I'm wondering if this put me at risk for pregnancy and if taking two pills late out of a whole packet can very much put you at risk for pregnancy or if you'll just be in the 90% effective typical area of use? I am buying pregnancy tests this week as well to use once it's near my period time even though my periods are always everywhere on these pills. Sorry this is so long and thank you!
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Re: Missed two mini pills in one packet

Unread post by Heather »

Am I understanding that this is about some kind of sexual contact that has already happened, either during your current pack, or packs previous to the current pack?

In other words, have you already made whatever choice you did with backing up for as long as you did, or are you asking about something with sexual choices you have not yet made?

Too, were you ever able to set the limits we discussed in the past you needed and wanted with your partner, and has he respected them? That meant always using condoms as well as you using your mini-pill. Has he continued to coerce you out of condom use, as he has done in the past? If nothing has changed in this regard, I think that this clearly remains important for you, and if you have a partner you don't feel able to set any limits or boundaries you need with, or who refuses to respect them when you do, that should be where we focus our discussion.
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Re: Missed two mini pills in one packet

Unread post by Nifty.Anon »

1. If I am late (more than 3 hours) with only two pills out of a whole pack for a month am I in the 90% typical use rate or would that put me way lower and in great risk for pregnancy?
2. Do I wait two days or seven days in order to not use condoms and be protected once again after I was late on a mini pill.
3. We did use condoms for a bit but they don't feel good to either of us, they actually started to hurt me and cause irritation.
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