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Cold sores!!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:05 pm
by ballerina99
So the per day I noticed a raised numb on my lower lip. I asked my mom what she thought it was and she said she thinks it could be a cold sore. Both my parents get them, so it's possible I could have gotten it from them. I'm not sexually active and I've never even kissed anyone. I'm just really unsure how to move forward and I'm not comfortable talking to my parents about it. I'm still not entirely sure they are cold sores, so are there any signs and symptoms I should look for? Also, does this mean I should never kiss anyone? I just don't really know what to do or how to handle this.

Re: Cold sores!!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:41 pm
by Heather
Oral herpes is the virus that creates cold sores, as a symptom, and most people who have oral herpes don't get it through sexual or romantic contact, but in early childhood through basic kinds of daily-life contact that tend to happen within families.

If your parents have oral herpes, chances are they take or have taken a medication to suppress outbreaks so that transmitting it to others is unlikely. You can ask your doctor about this and then, if they determine that oral herpes is something you have, about those kinds of medications. And we can also talk with you about how to talk to potential partners about having oral herpes if you like, as well. (It's not that hard, really, especially since more people have it than those who don't.)

Re: Cold sores!!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:48 pm
by ballerina99
Thank you that was really helpful!!