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Infertility Genetic?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:30 pm
by Kipapa134
:ugeek: Is it possible to have infertility issues when your parents also have problem in fertellisation. Because my parents had their first son 2 years after marriage. They said they tried every time but still didn't get pregnant. My mom said that the doctor told them that they were stress, but maybe my mom told me that because she did not want me to know about sex and reproduction because she thinks that it isn't good for me. Maybe she (or my dad) has infertility issues. So is it possible to have infertility issues when your parents had trouble getting pregnant?

Re: Infertility Genetic?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:58 am
by Heather
It is not at all uncommon for couples who are not charting fertility, and then carefully timing intercourse, to find it takes some time - sometimes many months, and sometimes even years - for pregnancy to occur.

Since it does not sound like any tests were done for either of your parents that found they had any physical issues that created fertility problems, there is no reason to assume there were any such issues, nor that you or any siblings have inherited them.