Eating food - pill?

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Eating food - pill?

Unread post by indigo16 »


I was just wondering whether it is necessary or important to eat food before/after taking combined contraceptive pill? Because I did not have anything to eat today until 3.30pm, I took my pill at 3pm. I know it may seem silly to ask but previously I have been on different medication for acne that recommended eating beforehand.

I have never taken my pill on an empty stomach before so just wanted to check it's ok. Will taking the pill on empty stomach affect the pill's effectiveness at all?

Thank you
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Re: Eating food - pill?

Unread post by Ashleah »

Hi Indigo,

Taking your pill on an empty stomach will not impact the effectiveness. In general, it's best to check out the pamphlet that comes with your birth control or check in with the prescribing doctor when you have any questions.

Looking at your other post it seems like you're worried about the effectiveness of your method. Is there something about the pill that is making you feel uncomfortable ?
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