Negative pregnancy test - taken too early?

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Negative pregnancy test - taken too early?

Unread post by zaphod42 »

So my current situation:my last period started on the 2nd january, which is 24 days ago. My cycles are usually very short - 21-22 days. But, however, I did have four week cycles as well in the past (rarely, but still).
This month, I either had sex with a condom or used the pull out method and apparently none of these failed.
I took two pregnancy tests on the 23rd and 24th and they both came back negative.
I had very, very, very light brown spotting on the 24th evening and I though it was my period. Since I decided I don't want to stress out over this anymore, I started my birth control pack. However, the spotting hasn't become stronger, it virtually vanished now.
My question is - could it have been implantation bleeding and I'm having an unusually long cycle for me? Did the bleeding stop because I started by birth control? When can I be sure the test will give me absolutely reliable answer? I am unfortunately leaving for abroad in three weeks and I need to have a time window in which I would seek medical help.
Note: the test I used was 10 miu, for very early use
Sam W
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Re: Negative pregnancy test - taken too early?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Zaphod,

As long as you took the test according to the directions about when and how to test, you can assume that the results are accurate.

It sounds like you're not all the way comfortable with the birth control methods you've been relying on. If you'd like, we'd be happy to talk to you about ways to add another birth control option.
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