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weird cramps

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:53 pm
by laura23
Hello, ive been having weird sharp cramps in my pelvic area (mostly on the right side). Its been like this for 2 days now and im starting to get a little concerned. Is this normal? Could it be because im ovulating or something? My period is due in around 2 weeks so i doubt this would be the reason... any information would help, thanks (:

Re: weird cramps

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:12 pm
by Eddie C
Cramps are not uncommon for people with a uterus. There's no way we -- or anyone online -- can tell you the reason of this but most of times there's nothing to worry about. But, if the pain is too sharp and YOU are worried about it, seeing a healthcare provider in person is the best way to go.