increase in discharge: am i pregnant or is it something else?

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increase in discharge: am i pregnant or is it something else?

Unread post by Starry16 »

Lately I've been getting a lot of thick mucus like discharge and this has never happened to me before. Unfortunately I am quite underweight and I am also bulimic does my increase in discharge have anything to do with this or does this mean I am pregnant because I have read some articles that said invrease in thick mucus like dicharge is a very early sign of pregnancy and I started getting an increase in discharge after I had protected sex ( we used a condom and I always make sure it doesnt break).
Eddie C
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Re: increase in discharge: am i pregnant or is it something else?

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, Starry.

The only way to know if someone is pregnant or not is by taking a pregnancy test. That said, if you are interested in learning about the different kinds of discharge that people with vaginas can have you can always read this: ... secretions :)
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