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Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:16 pm
by Dolly68
Hi, I a question. Regarding sex/orgasms. Let's say someone is on the pill and then has sex and the guy comes inside with no condom. If he finished her off and masterbates her after he came inside, is that a greater risk of her getting pregnant? In other words what I'm asking is if a women orgasms with fresh sperm inside her does that help/enable the sperm to make pregnancy happen easier/faster? I'm just wondering if it makes a difference if a women orgasms before or after the sperm is inside her. I want to know it orgasm right after genital sex makes pregnancy more likely.

Re: Orgasm

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:27 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, Dolly.

No, orgasming has nothing to do with the chances of someone getting pregnant or not. But if someone who is on the pill still feels anxious about pregnancy I'd recommend to that someone to back up with condoms so that person doesn't have to worry and can enjoy sex even more. :)

Re: Orgasm

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:42 pm
by Dolly68
Ok thanks for your info. I hear that:) I will keep it in mind:) thanks so much