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Coming Off the Pill Delayed Period?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:48 pm
by jaexxi
Hi everyone! I just had a quick question regarding coming off the pill. I was on the pill for 28 days but had to come off of it at the end of November because it was making me violently ill, I was so nauseous I couldn't eat, vomiting, worsened migraines, spotting. This also happened back in August as well. So my last real period was December 24th, which technically was early considering I had my withdrawal bleed from coming off the pill 20 days before. I'm currently 7 days late. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests, all were negative, so as anxious as that makes me, I read your article about pregnancy scares & such & that helped to calm that fear. I'm just concerned now about what's happening to my body. Is this all because of the pill? I was only on it for 28 days & came off it two months ago. Is it still affecting me this bad? Or could something else be wrong?

Re: Coming Off the Pill Delayed Period?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:35 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, jaexxi. Welcome to Scarleteen. :)

Bodies are not all the same and people can have such different reactions to everything that is hard to predict how someone is going to react.

For some people, Birth Control Pills can have severe side effects, as you can see, and for others it could go absolutely unnoticed. If you ruled out pregnancy with the tests, then you have nothing to worry about and it might just take time for your body to re-adjust and to go back to YOUR normal self. :)

In the meantime, if you get too anxious about it, you can always check in with your health care provider in person just too make sure you are doing okay, if that would make you feel better.

Re: Coming Off the Pill Delayed Period?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:08 am
by jaexxi
I appreciate your response! I guess I'm just concerned because if my cycle is that messed up, how do I know when my "expected" period date was? Because if I don't know when that date really was, won't the tests I took be considered less accurate?

Even though I don't believe pregnancy is a possibility because my boyfriend & I use male condoms along with the pullout method, & we are very good with using them.

I apologize if this is super annoying for anyone to answer. I know you are probably bombarded with this kind of stuff all day. It's just really scary when your period is late & you can't really tell why.

Re: Coming Off the Pill Delayed Period?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:29 am
by Ashleah
Most pregnancy test will give an accurate result about 14 days after any risk. So as long as you follow the instructions that came along with the test you can trust the results. You can find more info about test here: ... ancy_tests

Re: Coming Off the Pill Delayed Period?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:43 am
by jaexxi
Okay thank you so much! These articles are so helpful. I wish I would have found them sooner!