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Strange STD (four urologists stumped...)

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:14 pm
by twoism
Hi, I have an extensive history of mysterious STD symptoms that no one can figure out. here's a new one.

About 4-5 times over the course of 4 years or so, I get a thing that looks like really bad ingrown hair between my scrotum and thigh. it swells, then pops with puss, much like an ingrown hair, which is what I thought it was, but this time, it was at the base of my shaft. It popped eventually and scabbed, but it was very unnerving and strange.

Here are some chronological pictures from the course of a week (the one thats scabbing at the end is the end of the week, and it starts out as a small reddish bump. it goes away without a trace)

This is not a virus, it's a google drive link to pictures I took of the progression:

link edited out - Redskies (mod)

For years, whenever I've stopped using a condom with a long term partner, I (usually, but not always) get what looks more or less like a really bad case of guanaria, but it wasn't. White blood cells in my pee, hurt to pee, hurt to have an erection, discharge. Went away with antibiotics, but no diagnosis. This has happened 6-7 times over the years since I've been sexually active.

I have been struggling for an answer for so long, any advice or help is appreciated.

Re: Strange STD (four urologists stumped...)

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:18 pm
by Redskies
(twoism, I edited out the link you put to what I assume was pictures, because we don't allow pictures here, for everyone's safety and for legal reasons. Pictures of or near anyone's genitals would be an especially bad idea! Your actual question will be answered very soon, when we're available and able to do that.)

Re: Strange STD (four urologists stumped...)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:15 pm
by twoism
Well, thats unfortunate. I feel like there is no way to verify the exact condition of the bumps unless you see a picture... I get the legal thing, but the subtlties of this stuff are so minute, I feel like good advice is only going to be possible by looking at the pictures. Where can I go to do that?

Re: Strange STD (four urologists stumped...)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:23 pm
by Sam W
Hi twoism,

The truth is, even if images were permitted, we are not able to diagnose conditions via the internet. The ultimate way to get diagnosed is to keep pursuing medical care from people who can be in the room with you and are specialized in diagnosing issues in that are. It sounds like you're in a frustrating situation, and it sucks to feel as though nobody can figure out what is going on. You mention having seen four urologists. Were they connected to or communicating with each other in any way?

Re: Strange STD (four urologists stumped...)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:32 pm
by twoism
It didn't seem like they cared enough to do that, they just kind of shrugged and went back to diagnosing the same 10 problems they've been looking at for their entire career. Very frustrating indeed. I also saw these urologists years apart from each other, sometimes in different cities and states, depending where and when the problem resurfaced. I have amassed all of my medical tests and records at this point, so part of me wants it to flare up again with my next girlfriend just so I can shove them this pile of papers and skip the generics. I am thinking of going to a world renowned urologist at this point.

Re: Strange STD (four urologists stumped...)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:53 am
by Sam W
Amassing all your records was a sound move (if nothing else, the image of shoving them at a disinterested care provider is somewhat satisfying). It sounds like going to this new urologist might be a helpful move at this point. Would that be someone you were able to see consistently, if need be?