Irrationally scared?

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Irrationally scared?

Unread post by Noname12 »

Hello, I'm new to the boards and I have a question regarding possible pregnancy. I know you guys probably get swarmed with questions like these but I can't help but have anxiety over my situation.
I've read your pregnancy scared article and pregnancy risk assessment and im sure im over thinking this but I've never been in this sort of situation. I was performing oral on my bf I was wearing jeans and underwear while he was unclothed. He ejaculated, he normally 'catches' the ejaculate but a few drops landed on my jeans one of which landed on my mid upper thigh. I started wiping it off with toilet paper and eventually used water and soap to rub on the spot.
I honestly don't know why I'm freaking out so much..just the thought of there being a possibility scares me.

Is there any risk here? The incident happened yesterday.

Thank you so much for any response.
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Re: Irrationally scared?

Unread post by Noname12 »

I suppose my question isn't worth responding to since it probably isn't as important as other people's dilemmas (I'm sure there are plenty of other people who have more dire questions to be answered). But I was looking through your forums (or I guess your old forums) that I don't quite understand ... 00593.html

They say there may be a risk? But reading the pregnancy scared article says I dont. If anyone could possibly clarify I would be greatly appreciative.
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Re: Irrationally scared?

Unread post by Heather »

The issue is that you make clear you know you aren't being rational, and irrational thought or fear is a mental health issue, and not something we can work with here, as we make clear in our registration guidelines.

You've read the current pieces here (going through the old boards isn't sound: you want to stick with more current pieces), it sounds like, that give you the facts, and those same kinds of facts are what we'd say here. But if facts aren't changing how you feel, then you can know you're outside the realm of facts taking care of this for you, and into a place that's just about going through and working out your own feelings and fears. It may be that your next step is to figure out if you feel ready for the kind of sex you're having: if what you're doing feels super-scary to you, then these fears and feelings may be a cue you're moving faster than you're really ready for.
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