Period never came....

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Period never came....

Unread post by IUDpain »

I started taking birth control pills right after getting my IUD removed (It was very painful and wouldn't allow me function normally) . I was already discharging black blood before it got removed and after it did I was still bleeding / black blood. I started taking it while "on my period" the day after I got my IUD removed and I began to bleed for a whole week. I couldnt stop bleeding so I stopped the pills . My period was suppose to come 8 days ago but it has not. I have abdominal pain (could be from my IBS) but it does not come. I have taken two pregnancy tests . I took one 5 days ago but after dipping it in the pee I held it up for about 5 seconds before setting it down flat so it might have not worked right The second one I took correctly. I took this one 6 days ago. Both negatives however after checking the first one two days later I noticed a very very very faint line going down if I held it up to the light and squinted but the box says to disregard any results after ten minutes and the last test said negative.

I'm at a loss. I dont know what to do . This is really stressing me out. I have been having sex with condoms before and after stopping the pill . I want to get on another brand but wanted my period first . Is this suppose to happen? Will I even get it this month?

Thank you for any replies.
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Re: Period never came....

Unread post by Heather »

We can't possibly know if and when you will get a period/withdrawal bleed. That just isn't something anyone can know or predict. However, it is very common for people's cycles to be wonky and unpredictable when starting a new hormonal method of contraception.

But if you feel this is all creating stress you can't manage, then what you'll need to do is figure out what your way to work that out is. It may be taking sex with a partner -- or some kinds of sex -- off the table while this all resolves itself (or you develop more confidence and belief in the fact that condoms plus another method used correctly are so unlikely to present any real risk of pregnancy that one can almost say it's impossible) and/or you follow up more with your healthcare providers. It may be getting a referral from a healthcare provider for mental health help, if your stress levels feel utterly nuclear and not like something you can cope with. I'd suggest you just take a little time to think about what you need here and what you can do for yourself to serve those needs best.
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