Pullout plus Ella pill = baby?

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Pullout plus Ella pill = baby?

Unread post by Musicmaven19955 »

On January 8th or so I had unprotected sex. We used the pullout method and I had just finished my period. 2 days later I took the Ella pill for an emergency contraceptive. I am supposed to have had my period either this week or the coming week and I have cramps and breast soreness which I usually get, but I am still quite nervous. Is it very likely that I am pregnant?
Sam W
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Re: Pullout plus Ella pill = baby?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Musicmaven,

If you're having concerns about pregnancy, this article will walk you through the next steps:
The Pregnancy Panic Companion

Would you like to talk about some different contraception options so that you can decrease the odds of this kind of stress in the future? And, are you and your partner up to date on your STI tests?
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