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I use baby oil as a lubricant for masturbation. Harmful?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:53 am
by I like turtles
Hey there :D

(Happy but also a little worried) I recently started using baby oil for masturbation, for like the past 3 days or so. Usually I would just masturbate dry, but I assumed lubricated was better. I read online that it was safe, but I have also come along certain articles which say it is no good. Is this harmful to the penis in any way? I hope not. :shock:

I don't really have anything else in the house to use, and I heard vaseline was not a good choice. Perhaps lubricant would be better, I was just a tad bit uncomfortable having my mother take me to CVS or something and her seeing me buy lubricant. Just felt a little embarrassed about it. Anyways, thanks for your help.

Re: I use baby oil as a lubricant for masturbation. Harmful?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:27 am
by Ashleah

In general, what is safe on the skin of other parts of your body will also be safe for the penis since the skin is external. That includes baby oil as well as vaseline. This is not the case for the anus and vagina (which are internal) and might be why you where seeing conflicting info!

If you would like more info on lubs you can check out this article: ... tle_primer

Re: I use baby oil as a lubricant for masturbation. Harmful?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:49 am
by I like turtles
ashleah wrote:Hey,

In general, what is safe on the skin of other parts of your body will also be safe for the penis since the skin is external. That includes baby oil as well as vaseline. This is not the case for the anus and vagina (which are internal) and might be why you where seeing conflicting info!

If you would like more info on lubs you can check out this article: ... tle_primer
Thanks so much! :) I will give the article a look, too.

Re: I use baby oil as a lubricant for masturbation. Harmful?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:03 pm
by Ashleah
No problem :)