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Constant bleeding

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:40 pm
by Picocat
Hi! I've been a bit of a lurker for a while and I'm just going to jump straight in.
This is kind of TMI but I feel very alone with what's happening, I can't seem to find anyone else online with a similar issue...
My periods became irregular in the summer and I sometimes had a bit of bleeding between them. This wasn't too bad, I went for my first Pap smear and let the nurse know. She tested me for chlamydia and gonnorheoa as that can sometimes be a symptom. This came back fine, as did the smear.
The issue just got worse though, with the bleeding in between increasing and my periods becoming very irregular. I can tell the difference because my periods are heavier and cause me pain. My doctor said it was probably a hormone related issue. I'm not on any hormonal BC. I had blood taken over different times of the month- my hormone levels seemed fine, I seemed very healthy all round! The problem continued, and I'm now on a wait list for an ultrasound. Bit worried about this- not sure what they're looking to find my doctor isn't very clear?
In the time I've been waiting things have gotten worse still. I've bled constantly since Christmas Eve. Im not in any pain, just always bleeding. sometimes there's a lot, sometimes it has clots, I can't really be prepared for what's going to happen so I'm just permanent moon-cupping at this point. I am experiencing no pain, and usually I get killer period cramps. I feel so tired all the time. I hope my doctors can come up with something to fix this soon. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Re: Constant bleeding

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:56 pm
by Mo
Hi Picocat, and welcome!

I'm really sorry to hear about this issue - constant bleeding certainly sounds uncomfortable and I can imagine it's disconcerting to have it happening without doctors having a clear idea as to why.
If you haven't updated your doctor about the constant bleeding, you may want to let them know just in case they can bump you up on the list a bit (although I realize this might be unlikely), or can come up with any other tests they might want to run. The fatigue is something else to mention if you haven't already. Sadly I don't know that we can come up with any ideas they haven't thought of already, but I certainly hope that further tests will turn up an answer soon.

Re: Constant bleeding

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:11 am
by Picocat
Hey Mo
I'm going to go back to the doctors again today- as of today I've been waiting a month for the scan which I'm supposed to get within six weeks on the NHS but I haven't heard anything from the hospital...
I'm guessing the tired is from losing blood? It's not "old" blood- it must be coming from somewhere. They tested my iron levels in November and they were okay but maybe lately they haven't been.
I hope I get an answer soon it's really freaking me out that no one seems to know what this is.
Thank you for talking with me :)