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Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:53 am
by Jackied
Hi guys,

Okay so I've been masturbating since I was 14. I've never had a problem reaching orgasm and I could usually have around 4-5 in a session. However, lately (maybe the past year or so?) (I'm 19 now) I've barely been able to have 1 orgasm, and it's nowhere near as intense as they used to be. and I can't have multiple. I was hoping it would go away, but it hasnt. Can you help, and also explain what might be going on, and how I can fix it?

Re: Orgasming?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:47 am
by Sam W
Hi Jackied,

There's no way for us to know for sure what's going on. It may be that your body is going through some changes that are affecting your orgasms. It may also be that there are external things that are affecting it: things like stress can also cause changes in how your body responds to stimulation.

Something to experiment with, if you haven't already, is introducing some new sensations into the mix. That could be adding in some sex toys, or simply switching up the positions and movements you generally use for ones you use less frequently.