BC questions

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BC questions

Unread post by linsey17 »

So I just got prescribed birth control and I had a few questions.
-Does it really matter if I start it on my period? I just had my period and don't really wanna have to wait because I want to be protected as soon as possible.
-Also If I miss/lose one pill right before the sugar pills, is that bad? Does that affect the effectiveness since im going to start my period anyways?
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Re: BC questions

Unread post by Mo »

If you look in the packet that comes with your birth control pill, it will explain your different options for when you can start, and what to do about missed pills. That's always going to be the best resource to check with first! I will say that it's definitely important to take all pills in your pack, no matter where in the pack they are, but the pill pack insert will explain this in more detail.
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