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A little bit concered

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:25 am
by misslilahj
I've been going back and forth since last night trying to decide if I should even post this. I know you guys are busy enough with a lot of other things so I don't want to be a bother. However, I can't help but feel I needed a little bit of reassurance.
I'm taking the antibiotic Bactrim for a UTI. My doctor told me that it shouldn't affect my birth control but to take it at least 2 hours apart to be safe. Which I have done. I also asked my pharmacist as well and she said not to worry that it won't affect it.
I've been feeling more confident when it comes to making decisions about my sex life (honestly thanks to you guys). So I still decided I wanted to use condoms for the next couple of weeks to be safe. Long story short, my plan fell through because I forgot to ask him to put one on before we did it. He usually withdrawals as well, but of course this time he said he was a little late on the exit and some may have gotten inside. So just my luck I'm thinking.
I read your articles on which medications would affect it and my antibiotic isn't listed. However it's hard to get those "myths" or whatever you want to call them out of my head. I just wanted to know if I'm still "protected" or not.
Once again thank you for your time. It means so much to me because I don't really have anyone to turn to in times like these.

Re: A little bit concered

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:46 pm
by Redskies
Your doctor and a pharmacist are exactly the right people to ask a question like that about medication. They should know their stuff, and they both gave you a clear answer. Sorted :)

For moving forward, there's a couple of things it might be helpful to think about. Why, do you think, are you putting more emotonal stock in general things you've heard or "myths" than in what medical professionals said? And, if you're feeling a bit jumpy about relying on your pill, might you feel better if you also teamed it with condoms as standard?

Re: A little bit concered

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:37 pm
by misslilahj
You're totally right. When I first started being sexually active I was super sketched out by the idea that a tiny little pill was going to protect me from pregnancy. It's been awhile since I've been worried about relying on my pill though. I think my confidence built up with it over time. I just overreact a little when I think something could be wrong. My sister got pregnant when she was 16 and I was like 9. So I guess I just saw the struggles of being a young mother. It's something that I know I don't want for myself until I know I am ready.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you guys are doing great stuff here. Thank you for your help and kindness.