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Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:46 am
by Ryan1500
Is it necessary for a clear discharge to come 2-3 days to consider it as ovulation? I found it on this site: ... t-is-it/2/

In my situation, did she ovulate?

Her last period was at Dec 28. She has a 28-day cycle.
The risk was done at 30 Dec. Her period was suppose to come at 26 Jan, but instead she experienced clear vaginal discharge, she was involved in sports that day.
I searched for clear vaginal discharge, it says that you could get it when you were involved in sports/exercise and when you are ovulating. So it could mean two things. She also experienced yellow discharge on her pantyliner yesterday. Please help!!!

I considered the clear discharge as her ovulation phase, and tomorrow is her 14th luteal phase. I'm just hoping and praying that her period would come tomorrow.


It has already been 6 weeks from her last period, and she don't have any pregnancy symptoms except for a missed period or a late period.
No cramps, No fatigue, No morning sickness, No dizziness, No frequent visit to the toilet, she is 100% like a normal girl. Can i rule out pregnancy from my situation?

Re: Ovulation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:34 am
by Sam W
Ryan, we have already set a limit with you around this, so I am locking this thread.