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Should I apologize?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:14 pm
by thinkmcflythink
Hey Scarleteen!
Recently, I started my first semester of junior year of college (yay!) and I'm really excited about it. In one of my politics classes, I noticed that the old roommate of one of my old friends is in the class and keeps staring at me. Like she's trying to figure out who I am or something of the sort. This old friend of mine had a huge blow up about a year ago, over differing ideals. I got pretty heated in the argument and said some things I shouldn't have. We both did really. I haven't thought about her a lot lately, until I started seeing her friend in class, and it made me wonder if I should track her down and apologize.

Also, there's a good chance I would run into her anyway, I'm going to moving into the building she lives in next semester. Any suggestions are appreciated. Love you guys!

Re: Should I apologize?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:21 pm
by Heather
I think this is one of those things that's really about what you want to do, but for sure, if you're going to be living in the same building, and it's not one of those 600-unit-jobbies, it seems likely that you'll see each other soon enough.

If and when that happens, you'll both have the option of:
• Just patently ignoring each other (probably super awkward and socially uncomfortable, so, IMO, this is not a great option)
• Letting the past go and just interacting pretty anew, probably just as acquiantances or
• Apologizing and just taking it from there, whather that is just a thing you do and just stay neighbors that aren't friends, or whether you both decide to try and rebuild a friendship

Re: Should I apologize?

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:52 am
by Gladimeir15
If you are on the same building, 3 weeks is too long for the both of you can establish friendship. It is just a matter of who will make the first move to have a conversation. The difficult part here is on how to make the first move. ;)