Scared As F***

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Scared As F***

Unread post by Kipapa134 »

Is it just me or I'm worrying over nothing?

Okay, she ovulated (I think) 15 days ago, which means she is now on her luteal phase and her period is due anytime now, but she has experienced a lot of clear discharges that turns yellow if dry. Isn't the luteal phase suppose to be dry days? and even if she does have discharges on this phase, it should be sticky and thick.

She didn't get her period last month. It has been 5 weeks without period, although no pregnancy symptoms except for a missing period. Please I'm scared my heart is beating fast. I don't want her to get pregnant. The only sexual thing we did was manual sex, and you guys said that there was no risk of pregnancy from it and I believe you guys even the fact how delivate sperm cells are and how they can't live without seminal fluid.

The day after her last period, we performed manual sex together and ejaculation and wiped off. All of those things. Is it possible to even get pregnant in these days? Days after period.

Since she is 5 weeks late, can i rule out pregnancy from this? since she has no other symptoms other than a miss period? PLEASEEEE HELPPP!!! IF I GET HER PREGNANT I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! KICKED OUT FROM MY HOUSE? MAYBE HER BROTHER WOULD EVEN KILL ME.
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Re: Scared As F***

Unread post by Redskies »

We've already given you our information on what activities do and don't have any pregnancy risk.

The level of continuing fear and distress you're describing to us, and the amount of time and energy you're spending thinking about these kinds of details, is suggesting very strongly that you'd benefit from some mental healthcare to help you dial down and manage those feelings better. We aren't trained in providing that kind of care, and therefore we can't provide it. We're very sympathetic to the distress you're feeling, but it's very clear by this point that sex education isn't a thing that can help you with that, and so, we're unable to help.

We CAN help you find and access mental healthcare, if you'd like our help in doing that.
The kyriarchy usually assumes that I am the kind of woman of whom it would approve. I have a peculiar kind of fun showing it just how much I am not.
previous staff/volunteer
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Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:33 am
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Location: Europe

Re: Scared As F***

Unread post by Redskies »

Also: the user guidelines you agreed to when you signed up make clear that we ask people to have just one account per person. Attempting to sidestep the limits we set with you by creating further accounts isn't okay.

If you fear for your life, the right thing to do is to seek immediate in-person assistance. We are also not, and cannot be, a replacement for emergency services.
The kyriarchy usually assumes that I am the kind of woman of whom it would approve. I have a peculiar kind of fun showing it just how much I am not.
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