Spotting and Still Expecting Period

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Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by KatieLynn963 »

Hellooooo, first off it's been a good while since I've been here so I had to reregister and everything, haha. anyway my period window is always somewhere between 27 to 42 days (27 being the earliest and 42 the latest). Well now it's day 33, and that's nornal considering, but for the past 3-4 days I've been going to the bathroom and seeing that they're be some light pink to a slight red color on the toilet paper on and off but I'll never actually run heavy or show in the toilet/undies itself yet. Typically when I start I feel enormously killer cramps and run heavy so I feel like I haven't started yet. I've felt PMS here and there but still no real appearance as to starting. I've had this kind of happen to me last month or so for about a day or 2 on and off and eventually began to flow but I've been showing light blood on the toilet paper for 3-4 days now so I find it weird. For reference, my bf and I have always used a condom and according to him when asking, has never broke or anything and I was sick with fever about 2-3 weeks ago. Thanks again.
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Re: Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by Mo »

Are you up to date on STI testing? Light pink discharge or spotting can be a symptom of some infections. This could also be spotting as your period is getting started, just with an atypical flow and lack of cramping, but since you've noticed this for a few days it might be worth getting checked out, especially if you haven't been tested lately.
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Re: Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by KatieLynn963 »

Well what's weird is that I'm feeling the cramps somewhat strongly now. I went to the bathroom again and still nothing on the liner but it was on the toilet paper still. I even got as desperate as to stick my fingers up there because nothing is flowing yet and there was some on my fingers. Really confusing.......and I read about the STIs in your reply too just so you know that I'm not ignoring that input.
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Re: Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by KatieLynn963 »

I also have my bad case of acne and other typical PMS. Just confounding me because I've never had a light, almost nonexistent flow before if thats what this is or if it's just a prelude.
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Re: Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Katie,

It's sounding like you're getting some PMS symptoms that you recognize, so that means it may be what Mo said that this is some spotting that happens before your period. Sometimes, you'll get new period symptoms, or you'll stop having ones that you've had for a long time. Bodies are not machines, so you end up with variation from period to period.

With the STI test, do you need any information on where/how to get tested?
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Re: Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by KatieLynn963 »

Yeeeeeeh, it was exactly that, haha......because I started this morning, thanks though! It was just weird because I've never had this happen with me before. As for testing? Sure, I can use some places. It would be good to know.
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Re: Spotting and Still Expecting Period

Unread post by Heather »

I assume you're in Fresno, CA?

If so, here you go: ... lfi=hd:;si: :)
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