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Starting the pill weird side effects

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:21 am
by kudfc6f5duxc
Hey guys,

Just wanted to thank Scarleteen for making me see sense about pregnancy scares!! I've now talked to my mom and ive just started the pill, which I'm really happy about as I feel so much better and more prepared!! :)

However, I have a few questions which Id appreciate answers to!! So, i started it on the first day of my period, and my period was triggered i think my my boyfriend fingering me...i passed a large piece of tissue which im guessing is a decidual cast or the uterus lining....i didnt freak out because i thought that it must only be that. My period seems to be going on longer than normal...are these two events normal when starting the combined pill? I havent been able to find much reliable info on how the pill changes your period straight away so I thought id ask!!!

One of my motivations for starting the pill is that i had a very slight pregnancy risk, with being possibly exposed to cum when i think my pants slipped dry humping, though i am not certain....i have been on the pill for 4 days ands have noticed that my montgomery glands are more this normal? the only info i could find suggested pregnancy, but since i have bled pretty heavily for the last 5 days, passed what i assumed is my uterus lining, and my period arrived around normal time, and i only had a small risk in the first place as my boyfriend didnt cum, this wouldnt be possible right? I also felt sick the other day, but i am certain this is due to the pill not morning sickness?

thanks alot guys :)

Re: Starting the pill weird side effects

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:29 am
by marianthe
Hey esta,

glad to hear you are feeling better and more assured. yes- the pill can cause changes to your cycle and side effects such as breast changes or nausea as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels. Also, every cycle is different and even without the pill its normal to have a period that lasts longer than others.