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cannot sleep before period

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:39 am
by xmetalgirl
A couple of months ago i noticed that now a week before my period i cannot get to sleep at all. Even if i do fall asleep i always seem to get terrible nightmares end up waking up from that or the slightest sounds at night also wake me up. Im also sometimes very sweaty. It is getting quite annoying now and even more cranky ssince i cannot get proper sleep anymore (and scared by horrible nightmares) i read that many women go through thisbecause of the hormones during the luteal phase. Is there seriously anything that i can do so that i can sleep during the night? Beside sleeping pills of coursem

Re: cannot sleep before period

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:49 am
by Ruth
One option that might be helpful to you could be going on the birth control pill, or another form of hormonal birth control that lessens the symptoms of PMS. While it's not a guarantee, a lot of people do find that hormonal birth control makes PMS symptoms a lot easier to manage, which would presumably include your difficulties sleeping. If you spoke to a doctor about it, they might have other suggestions as to what you could do that doesn't involve taking sleeping pills.